The History of Airplanes

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Man's desire to rule the skies has been the driving force behind one of his greatest adventures. In prehistoric times birds and dragonlike flying reptiles sailed through the air. When man appeared on Earth, he watched and envied the birds flying in the sky.Early man also wondered about the smoke climbing from his campfires and about the "falling stars" streaking through the sky. These mysteries of nature--the bird, the smoke, and the meteor--symbolize the …

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…laser-guided bombs and electro-optic guided bombs. The newest range of aircraft included the F-117A Stealth Fighter, the F-15 fighter, modernized B-52 bombers, the F/A-18 Hornet fighter, the Black Hawk helicopter, the Apache attack helicopter, and the SuperCobra helicopter. (Hurley pg.145-150) In conclusion, Air planes have been around for only a blip on the timeline of Earth but they have played a key roll in the advancement of the human race. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**