The History and Future of Japanese Economy

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Pages: 13
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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Global Economy
Introduction Japan, a small island, resource-poor country, has shown the world a dramatic success and failure story in its history. Japanese have been working so hard after experiencing a huge lose from World War II that they have become one of the world's most important exporting country. But right now, Japan is suffering the pain of economic problems more than ever. First of all there is brief analysis of Japan's economy for the period of …

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…in Nara City, Nara Prefecture". <Tab/> Ziemba, William T. Power Japan: The Growth of The Economy Chigago:Probus Publishing Company,1992. "The World Fact Book." Dec. 18, 2003. March 28, 2004 <Tab/>< Figure 1--monetary base of Bank of Japan.