The History Of Movies

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Although the 1970s opened with Hollywood experiencing a financial low , the decade became a creative high point in the US film industry. Restrictions on language, adult content and sexuality, and violence had loosened up, and these characteristics became more widespread. And Hollywood was renewed and reborn with many new and experimental film-makers nicknamed "Movie Brats". The counter-culture had influenced Hollywood to take more risks and to experiment with alternative, young film makers, as old Hollywood …

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…comic books, or cards. But i also think that America is losing its values and morals, in the 50's with out all of the new movie types and tv shows and sex based movies was it like this no, but i think that the way we are going now it is better because alot of people by watching thes things arent as afraid to talk about them and are getting information, they need or want.