The History Of Computers

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Essay Database > History
History of Computers Introduction: The electronic computer has now been used commercially for less than 25 years. It grew out of a search lasting centuries for a more accurate, faster way to perform calculations. Primitive and ancient man used his fingers, shells, beads, sticks, and other objects to keep track of numbers and sums. The development of paper and writing instrumentsmade it easier to record data, but gave little aid in manipulating it. Manual Devices: A …

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…more compact disk storage access time, and somewhat faster reading and printing. But this are improvements rather than basic changes. Virtual storage received wide publicity when announced on the 370 family. However, Burroughs and other systems used virtual storage much earlier without fanfare. The trends most likely to continue on forth-generation computers will be more miniaturization, expanded communications, software that is more complex to design but simpler to use, and improved data entry recognition and recording.