The Hiding Place

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom is the story about the life of a woman in Holland during the German Nazi invasion and holocaust. Miss. Ten Boom tells about her childhood, helping people escape through the anti-Nazi underground, her arrest and imprisonment, and her release. As a child Miss. Ten Boom grew up in their family's watch shop with her mother, father, sisters, Nollie and Betsie, brother, Willem, and aunts, Tante Jan, Tante Anna, …

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…the hope and strength to keep going. Through God she was able to speak salvation to downtrodden, heartbroken people. She showed compassion for everyone she met, and loved people with God's love... not only her own. This book touched my heart. I've learned that no matter what I'm going through God will be there with me. I also learned to thank God for everything around me because it's all there for a reason. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**