"The Hidden Journey": Response to the poem "Ithaca" by C.P. Cavafy.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Everyone is given the opportunity to take the odyssey that is "life, however it is important to make the journey as memorable as one possibly can. The poem "Ithaca" by C.P. Cavafy suggests that what is most important in life is the experience that is incorporated with the journey, not necessarily just reaching the ultimate goal. It is the quest, not the destination which matters most. This message is conveyed through the poem through …

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…their lives for the end destination. The poem "Ithaca" by C.P. Cavafy suggests that one should not focus ones entire life on the end goal but instead enjoy the journey, and take as much as one possibly can from it. The author uses Ithaca as a metaphor for life in the poem. It can be understood from this poem that Ithaca represents the journey of life; the beginning, the end and everything in between.