The Hero of The Metamorphosis

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The first impression Gregor, the main character in Kafka's The Metamorphosis, is that he is a pretty pathetic person with little hope of accomplishing anything great, a loser. However, after more careful consideration, it can be seen that Gregor has some very redeeming qualities. He is the most unselfish character in the story and the most deserving of respect. Gregor is the sole provider for his parents and sister and is sacrificing much for his …

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…were unwilling or incapable of doing while Gregor was alive. Gregor may have been a roach, but his family members were leeches. Although Gregor aids his family when they are in a critical time of need, they barely acknowledge him after his transformation. They never show compassion for him or try to understand him. Gregor never asks for much from his family, but if he had, he probably would not have gotten much from them.