The Hard Truth - being Gay

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Essay Database > Literature > English
When a person realizes that they prefer sexual orientation with a partner of the same sex, it is quite tough for them to publicize it. When teenagers realize they're gay, they have an even tougher time. On top of their everyday traumatic life of school, friends and family, they now must also deal with peoples' acceptance of their homosexuality. As much as there is nothing wrong in desiring someone of the same sex, not everyone …

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…meone's sexuality is personal. No one has the right to judge anyone's preferences. Some people like eating certain foods. Some people dress and look a certain way but that does not mean that they don't have feelings. Everyone should be treated the same no matter what they do, who they like or what they look like. Until the day when everyone will be equal, coming out is another wall that divides society further. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**