The Handover of Hong Kong

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Transportation
Hong Kong: After the Handover Hong Kong is a bustling metropolitan city with "one of the world's freest economies, as well as the world's 10th largest trading entity and 11th largest banking center." ( Although Hong Kong is now under China's ruling instead of Britain's, life has not changed much. On July 1, 1997 Hong Kong ceased to be a British colony, but a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China. Many Hong Kong people were worried …

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…through the SARS epidemic and the economic regression. Hong Kong has been able to come out of economic regression with the help of the Chinese government's policies and preferential treatment. Despite the fact that there are different views on the politics in Hong Kong, however, with time the Hong Kong will be able to get what she wants as long as she is willing to wait and not rush China. <Tab/>