The Handmaids Tale

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Essay Database > Literature
Word Count: 1537 The Freedom's of a Society In a society where women have freedom, they are usually susceptible to murder, rape, and other abuse. One way, to guarantee such torment does not go on, is to observe the women at all times. If women are kept secluded and monitored, the government can essentially guarantee that the females in their country are safe. The latter is the setup of the Gileadean society in Margaret Atwood's novel …

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…their misery in Gilead, the easy way out, death; while many others wished they had. "I've been wasting my time. I should have taken things into my own hands while I had the chance. I should have stolen a knife from the kitchen, found some way to the sewing scissors. There were the garden shears, the knitting needles; the world is full of weapons if you're looking for them. I should have paid attention." (Atwood 293)