The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Salmon Rushdie: Interpretation of Chapter 15 and what the title really means

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Chapter fifteen explores the meaning behind the title of this book, I enjoyed this chapter the most since it really gives you a look at what Rushdie is saying, and what his meaning is. The ground beneath her feet symbolizes so many things; an image of Vina's last day, what Rai and Ormus worship about Vina, the angry gods, smell of hell, and it is the final good bye from Ormus to Vina. Rushdie uses …

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…a completely mean to them. After her death when "these fallen boulders are her tombstone, this brokenness her grave"(473), every one shouts her name some place or another besides Rai: Vina, Vina, just to console their hearts and release the pain that is built up inside by her, and by her death. The ground will never be the same with out Vina Apsara, the music is different, lives are different, and the ground is different.