The Greatest of all essay of the life of Muhammad Ali told in his perspective as well as famous pullitzer prize winner Norman Mailer and other notable authors

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The GOAT Background The world has been blessed over the centuries by great individuals like Aristotle, Thomas Jefferson, and even Babe Ruth and Michael Jordan. All of whom have impacted society significantly during their time, raising the levels of social prestige for the next generation. It takes an extraordinary man of confidence, dedication, and near flawlessness to be universally known as simple "The Greatest". Muhammad Ali has been quoted as "an American myth who has …

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…most famous daughter, Laila Ali, holds the title for the women's boxing championship following in her father's footsteps. In 1996, Ali was asked to light the torch for the Summer games in Atlanta which was a sign of international peace, understanding, and love. Other accomplishments include being the only boxer to appear on the cover of a Wheaties box, the movie "Ali" starring Will Smith, the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage, and the Living Legend Award.