The Great Plains and the history of the Froniter.

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Essay Database > History > World History
The Great Plains Do you need a paper about Great Plains History? This paper by two well known authors should do the trick. Walter Prescott Webb and Fredrick Jackson Turner were two of the most influential men to explain in detail the history of Frontier of the Great Plains. Webb and Turner differ in their interpretation of the how the Frontier movement began. Webb believed geography determines, where people chose to live whereas Turner believed …

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…reading articles of Webb's thesis and became intrigued (Turner). Webb on the other hand was intrigued by the idea that Turner used democracy, individualism and Nationalism to make his case for the frontier movement. Both perspectives have value to the study of the Frontier movement. They are not mutually exclusive. Rather, blended together, the theories of Webb and Turner provide a more complex account of the phenomenon known as the Great Frontier of American History.