The Great Gatsby: The American Dream

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The Great Gatsby: The American Dream "Their love is founded upon feelings from the past, these give it, notwithstanding Gatsby's insistence on being able to repeat the past, an inviolability. It exists in the world of money and corruption but is not of it." The Great Gatsby, a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is about the American Dream, and the demise of those who attempt to capture its false goals. For Jay, the dream is …

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…He also shows how America's moral values had diminished through the actions of Daisy, Tom, Jordan, and Gatsby's party guests. Despite his newly found fortune, Gatsby still cannot afford his one true wish, therefore he cannot buy everything which is important to Daisy. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald teaches the lesson of being true to one's self and following one's own personal dream, not the one Americans are programmed to have. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**