"The Great Gatsby " by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

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Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Scribner Paperback Fiction, 1925 The Great Gatsby has been proclaimed as the most definitive novel of that turbulent decade known as the "Roaring Twenties". A young man pursuing the bond business came to New York. His name was Nick Carraway, and he became neighbor to the millionaire Jay Gatsby, in the district of West Egg. Across the Manhasset bay from West Egg was the more fashionable East Egg, …

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…movie Chicago gave me a general idea of the atmosphere of the times. The Great Gatsby contributed to my understanding of the 20s more than any other book. While non-fiction presents one with facts and figures, historical fiction allows the immersion of oneself into the past. I have seen the coloured lights and the flurry of feet on the dance floor; I have heard the raucous laughter and the jazz, into the dark, starry night.