The Great Escape

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Companies
Some chickens have nice loud voices, some can jump really high and some can lay really big eggs. I can jump really high. Hi, I'm Dunba, I've been a high jumper all my life and one day I'm going to jump over the fence and run away. My best friend is E, I don't know why his name is e, bit it's pretty funny. One day when big mammas eggs hatched, everyone was really excited, …

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…sizzled it and there was a big hole, everyone got through, except for big mamma , big papa and E(e was really fat) they were to fat so E started eating the fence, I don't know why but he chewed a big enough hole for all of them to get through. And that is the story of how we all got free. **might want to go over some of the puncuation otherwise its pretty good**