The Great American Conflict of Interests

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Essay Database > History
The Great American Conflict of Interests What developed into the civil war between the North and South originated from geological differences, which led to economic and then moral conflicts of interest. The way in which colonists adapted to their surroundings in the early years of the European settlement of America directly affected the way in which their economies would work, the way their people would live and the moral standards by which they would live …

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…of the war that nearly de! stroyed the Union. There are many theories as to why the war started. Certainly, though, the war was not started for any one reason but rather many that stemmed from dissimilar environments that developed into nationwide tension. Although there were many complications, contradictions and misunderstandings that led to the Civil War, it is clear they came from two centuries of different geological, economical and moral environments. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** textbook