"The Grapes of Wrath"

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
"The Grapes of Wrath" is considered to be one of the greatest American Classics, and for good reason. It is the tale of the Joad family and their struggle in search of a new life in the Great Depression California after being evicted from their farm along with hundreds of thousands of other farmers just like them. Taking place in one of the saddest eras of American history, author John Steinbeck holds little back in …

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…but in the dark moment of her life she willingly sacrifices part of her self for another person. I its amazing because this act of charity came from a girl that throughout the novel acted like a stubborn and selfish girl. It just goes to show that even people in the darkest and depressing moments of their lives, still have a light in them and even in the gloomiest places one can still receive help.