The Grapes of Success

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Consistently in the world of literature there emerge writers who publish works to deeply affect readers, people of power, and even the government by bringing controversial subjects, perhaps previously ignored or unknown, to the spotlight. John Steinbeck, winner of the Nobel Prize, is one of these writers. The Grapes of Wrath is a work which compromises nothing to function as John Steinbeck's social statement and plea; a novel in which he protests against the treatment …

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…the Hoovervilles and attempting to experience all that they experienced, he has an emotional connection to his subject. The Grapes of Wrath is his masterpiece because he did exactly that, bring national attention to the plight of the migrants. At the same time he moved and deeply affected his readers. Any reader who could not read the book without any feelings of indignation or sorrow is another reader which has proven John Steinbeck's complete success.