The Good Earth

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Wang Lung: An Honorable Character The Good Earth, by Pearl S. Buck, is a tale of a farmer who rises from a commoner to a wealthy land owner. The setting is in pre-revolutionary China, sometime in the 20th century. The story is about a farmer who becomes a wealthy man through hard work while facing droughts and floods. He becomes very rich, but forgets his true love, the earth, which got him to where he …

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…is in the novel. Wang Lung has grown from a poor farmer to a rich man, he no longer has to go out and farm the land every day; he has workers to do it for him. In the novel, The Good Earth, Wang Lung is a very unique character and shows all of his characteristics through three honorable ways: his humble ways, the lustful characteristics he has, and his dedication throughout the whole novel.