The Golden Door

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Ever since the birth of the Untied States in 1776, the nation has attracted immigrants from all over the world. To the oppressed and poor of many countries America represents the land where dreams of Horatio Alger myths came true. To these people, immigrating to America was considered their salivation from starvation, a life of suffering and even death. Once these immigrants decided to embark on their voyage to America, it marked the beginning of a …

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…still able suppress the low level of manual labor within a decade. This great accomplish for a group that was from peasant background and were illiterate. Mobility was accessible to all types of people regardless of their social class. Even a group like the Jews who were being persecuted in Russia could obtain occupational mobility. America proved to be the land of dreams, where mobility was possible to all who went in search of it. .