The Godfather: A Study of Vito Corleone and the Importance of Public Speaking

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
In Francis Ford Coppola's, "The Godfather", the epic tale revolves around the main character, Vito Corleone. Throughout the movie, the viewer recognizes Vito's great ability of speech and how he masters the art of negotiating. Throughout the movie, Vito demonstrates how he is articulate through the conversations he has with the many men who work for him, do business with him, and ask favors of him. It is ironic how his speech style is unusual …

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…friendships. Vito realized that first impressions are important and he gave off a good first impression when he spoke to a new person or a new group for the first time. Throughout his life, Vito was often underestimated. For example, he was underestimated by the local Mafia leader, the landlord, and many others. Vito made it a point not to underestimate those he spoke to, or give them a reason not to be his "friend."