The Gloomy Future

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Essay Database > Literature > English
This futuristic film reminded me very much of how I imagine Manhattan to be in the future. The Lighting is very dark and gloomy, smoke fills the back roads and alleyways. The movie could be compared to the many other futuristic movies. There were no planets blowing up, or any wars between the people of different planets. It was a less dramatic in that way. But the depth of the story lied within the story …

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…yet all that matters is that we have little purpose in our lives. The protagonist in the movie, ironically, learned a lot about his own life through the last words of the dying antagonist. The lesson that was learned was that our lives should not be wasted with meaningless material things, that there is a greater purpose that we should see and try to acheive. A purpose larger than even our own lives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**