The Glass Menagerie "Amanda treats Tom unfairly because she is too proccupied about Laura"

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The Glass Menagerie "Amanda treats Tom unfairly because she is too preoccupied with Laura" The Glass Menagerie is a sad story about a family on the edge of falling apart. The father who was a drinker left the family years ago and the mother is forced to rely on her son who has to provide for them three, his mother, his sister and himself. The daughter Laura suffers of an inferiority complex and is crippled. …

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…son, having the fear that he could leave every moment like his father did and her daughter is crippled and extremely shy, so it does not seem that she will have any gentlemancallers or any success in career. Those are also the reasons why she always tells from the past as if it had been perfect. Another fact that should not be ignored is that the play is written of Tom`s point of view.