"The Glass Managerie" by John Osborne and "Look Back in Anger" by Tennessee Williams.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Compare and contrast The Glass Managerie and Look Back in Anger During the following passage, two plays Look Back in Anger (John Osborne) and The Glass Managerie (Tennessee Williams) will be compared and contrasted in respect to their technical structures. Firstly in order to understand the technicalities of the two plays, a very short and brief summary of each play will be issued, starting with Look Back in Anger. Look Back in Anger is about …

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…make it. It can therefore be concluded that both plays are about human life and the hardships of life which people are forced to face without having the choice of not doing so. However much both plays look at different aspects of life, Look Back in Anger being external forces shaping you and the other being people shaping one other where Amanda forces herself onto her children and loses their love in The Glass Managerie.