The Gentle Birth

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Pages: 12
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
It isn't often that a genuine breakthrough occurs, with major significance for all humanity, unless, of course, it's in the realm of technology. Yet this subject, although completely untechnological, has the potential for widespread use and benefits to millions of people and to society at large. It is exciting the imaginations of forward looking thinkers, parents and expectant parents, humanist psychologists, nurses, midwives and progressive doctors worldwide. I'm referring to the newest form of gentle …

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…to the findings of Dr. Rosenthal and Dr. Odent. The most difficult aspect of bringing this method into more common use in American hospitals is not the physical requirements of the method or the certainty of its benefits, as these have been demonstrated. The challenge is in gaining the support of doctors and hospital personnel, because water birth calls upon them to stand back and allow women far greater control over their own birthing process.