The French and English Revolutions

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Essay Database > History
The French and English Revolutions <b>THE FRENCH REVOLUTION</b> The French Revolution was effected and caused by many things and people. Some people that had to do with the French Revolution were, Louis XVI, and, Marie Antoinette. Marie played an active role in the Revolution but suffered for her royalist sympathies. King Louis XVI also played an important role in the Revolution, seeing as how he was the king and all. When Louis XVI …

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…some stupid mistakes and was forced out. His short reign ended with the Revolution at the arrival of William of Orange. Two effects of the English Revolution are, the "Declaration of Rights", and, the "Bill of Rights". These documents have held governments together, not only in England, but here in the USA too. This section has shown the how the English Revolution was effected by many people and things, just as the French Revolution was.