The French Revolution, was it necessary? This essay contrasts the idea of the French Revolution being necessary.

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Essay Database > History > European History
French Revolution Necessary? The French Revolution was a long and painful experience for many of the French people at the time. Most people believe that the French Revolution was only a horror of a time for this country, because of the death torn place that it had come to in times. Yes, in a way this is completely true, there were a lot of deaths during this period of time, and lots of troubles, but …

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…France, it was him that made France a country as it is seen today. And at the end of all the revolutionary actions, the country was embedded with nationalism throughout. This gave them more security, self-respect, and freedom. And that is all that is needed for a country to get along, and have peace with each other. And these are the reasons why the French Revolution made France a nation as it is seen today.