The French Revolution

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
To begin with, the American Revolution inspired the French people who were seeking reform in their own country. Throughout the eighteenth century, Enlightenment ideas caused people to think twice about the structure of their society. The French middle class and several nobles were very impressed with ideas such as the social contract and freedom of speech. Also they were inspired how the Americans threw off an oppressive government. Secondly, in 1789, Louis XVI's government was about …

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…was in a bad situation and many people, who were thought to be enemies, were killed because of their beliefs. In conclusion, in 1799 military leader Napoleon Bonaparte took control of France and instituted dictatorship. In the mid-1800s democracy began to develop in France. In order for Democracy to work, a society must consist of rule by law, protections for civil rights and liberties, tolerance of dissent, and acceptance of majority decisions by the minority.