The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)

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The Free Trade Area of the Americas, which was proposed to be completed by January 01, 2005, would be the world's largest free trade zone. This American-led western hemisphere proposal would encompass 34 nations and 800 million people. The agreement is based on the NAFTA and covers such issues as Institutional Issues, Transparency, Environment Provisions, Labor Provisions, Tariffs and Non-Tariff Measures, and Investment as well as others. The details of the agreement may be viewed at http://www.ftaa-alca.…

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…Farm Subsidy Issue Could Undermine FTAA - Canada. Posted 23 <Tab/>September 2003. Sanbrano, Angela et all. Central American Immigrant Organizations Oppose CAFTA - Propose New Approaches to Regional Integration. May 8, 2005. Victor, Nathan. ERASING AMERICA'S BORDERS....Exposing the Truth behind Current U.S. Policies on Illegal Immigration and Free Trade.