The Forgotten War

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Patrick Houston Forgotten No More The Korean War is something not to be forgotten. Many great men fought and died during that war. Yet it was never classified as a war, but only as a conflict. My grandfather served in the war as a paramedic. He has shrapnel in his leg from a mortar round that went off in his trench as he was caring for other soldiers. The war is also called the Forgotten …

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…Electric Library (10 May 2001). Puente, Maria. "Korea Memorial Gets Early Face Lift." USA Today 22 May 1997:9A.Electric Library (10 May 2001). "The Forgotten War." The Record 28 July 1995:8. Electric Library (10 May 2001). "USASOC Dedicates Korean War Memorial Stone." Special Warfare Fall 1999:62. UMI-ProQuest Direct (10 May 2001). Wowk, Mike. "Vet Wants Road as War Memorial: Ex-marine Wants Metro Parkway Signs to Honor Korean War." Detroit News 11 October 1999:D5.UMI-ProQuest Direct (10 May 2001)