The Flower, essay on the poem by George Herbert, detailed analysis.

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Essay Database > Literature
"The Flower" by George Herbert is an exuberant, joyful poem in which a single image of the spiritual life is expanded with naturalness and elegance that appear effortless. Herbert refines a style in which the writer tries to write honestly and directly from experience: his imagery is more homely and accessible than John Donne's: if nothing is too exotic for inclusion in Donne's verse, nothing is too ordinary for inclusion in Herbert's. But this has …

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…growth, stagnation and resurrection. When flower and man alike respect the duty that owe to the "Lord of love" the will receive bountifully bliss. And even if both flower and man in their ignorance sometimes aim higher than God accepts, they will be forgiven and given yet another life, another chance, over and over again. God is all love and Paradise and the Garden of Eden for the flowers and men that learn their lesson.