The Flip Side

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The Flip Side Prejudice- an opinion formed without knowing the facts or by ignoring the facts Racism- a belief that race is the primary determinate of human traits Stereotype- a way of thinking about a person, group, etc. That follows a fixed common pattern, paying no attention to individual differences These are words that we hear each and every day. People use them to talk about the need for tolerance and change. However, this essay …

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…I was born and who my parents are. Maybe someday soon the relationship between the minority and the majority will be healed, and we can live in peace together like we should. Until then I will do my part in righting my ancestors' wrong. I will do all that I can to put out the fires and start the healing. Prejudice, Racism, Stereotype. These are words that need no longer be heard each and everyday.