The Flies

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Title: “The Flies” (Les Mouches) Author: Jean-Paul Sartre Publisher: Vintage International Edition, October 1989 Genre: Dramatic play Setting: City of Argos, Greece Minor characters: Aegistheus- He overthrows Agamemnon, makes Clytemnestra his wife and takes rule of Argos. He invents lies in order to make his people fear him. This only proofs that he is poor when it comes to having an actual strong character. A king shouldn’t have to create lies. His people should both …

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…he did what he had to. Not only that, but he did it so that he may win the name of “guilt-stealer”; casting all his people’s remorse on himself so that he can earn the freedom of Argos (-pg.91). At the end of the play Orestes is persuaded by the furies. This could imply that he suffers, but yet he is still the hero and he does accomplish what he was destined to do.