The First gods

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Essay Database > History
The First Gods By Danny Shea A long time ago, on a continent far, far away there were two gods. Their names were Izanagi and Izanami. They were the first gods. They decided they were lonely with only each other, so they created another. His name was Amaterasu. Hey was the god of the sun. Soon he and Izanami fell in love, and they created the god of storms and moon. Their names were Susanowo …

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…stands behind the sun and Izanagi and Izanami on either side of it. Izanami and Izanagi push the sun towards each other and it blows up, then Amaterasu smashes into the back of it and a beam shot out of it and blew the other gods up into many little white glowing dots in space. That is how there became stars in space. Then the elder gods created man. All was happy from then on.