"The Fellowship Of The Ring" by J.R.R. Tolkien.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The book starts off with Frodo and Bilbo Baggins planning a big birthday party for Bilbo. As they are planning, Gandalf, a wizard, arrives to help them set up the party. Near the end of the party Bilbo gives a speech to all the other Hobbits in the town. Once his speech is finished he disappears, by putting on a magic ring. Later, when Frodo gets home from the party, Gandalf tells Frodo what was …

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…he tried to take the ring from Frodo, and it ended with Boromir lost and the remainder of the group looking for him. Tolkien was born on January 3rd 1892, in Bloemfontein South Africa. He moved to England with his mother when he was three years old. His father died when he was four. Then he and his brother moved to their aunts house in Birmingham. He fought in World War I. Tolkien then died in 1973.