The Federating of Australia

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Essay Database > History > World History
Australia became a nation when the six self-governing colonies, Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia and Tasmania, united on the 1st of January 1901. Before Federation, the colonies were politically separate, with their own laws and parliaments. After federation, Australia was no longer six self-governing colonies, but a nation with its own constitution and government. During the long political process that led to federation, a stronger sense of Australian nationalism (devotion to one's …

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…the first Prime Minister of Australia. In May, the first Parliament met in Melbourne since a national capital was not yet agreed on. Australia became a Constitutional Monarchy as a result of Federation. The journey to Federation was a long process which took many decades to complete. Federation only came to be because of the on going work of individuals such as Henry Parkes and Samuel Griffith, and the many advantages that Federation would bring.