"The Fall Of The House Of Usher" by Edgar Allen Poe

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Fall of the House of Usher Very haunted house - anthropomorphised house. It has three levels: attic, main floor, cellar. It has structure but it also makes you question whether it is one or two houses. It promotes a feeling of gloom, like a black wall. The scene is attempted to be reorganised into a double. Doubling happens in order to escape desolation. Family: Metions of questions and problems to do with descent and generation. …

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…of suffering, but they experience reward in the fact they that are prolonged. Roderick takes pleasure out of suffering. Everthing is kept the same. The way out is to bury Madeline, as psychically represses her. When she returns the home collapses in on itself, and the house is drowned in the lack, just like narcissis is. Poe uses this formula created in the House of Usher and reworks it into other stories with some variation.