The Failure of the Meech Lake Accord

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Essay Database > History
The Meech Lake Accord was an attempt by Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney to get Quebec to sign the 1982 Constitution. Quebec, led by Premier Robert Bourassa, submitted five demands. The first demand, a formal voice of Quebec in Supreme Court appointments. Second, say on immigration policy toward Quebec. Others demands include: limits to federal spending powers in areas of provincial jurisdiction, veto power on constitutional amendments affecting provinces and most important, the recognition of Quebec …

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…attained if there is any hope for success. With the failure of the Meech Lake Accord and the future failure of the Charlottetown Accord these remedies will be very difficult to reach within Canada. This will be a very difficult task due to the deep separation of English Canada and Quebec in the past, but in order to preserve Canada the two sides must cooperate with each other and decide what is best for Canada.