The Face of Evil

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
During a lifetime, one sees many things that go beyond the realm of what we may want to deal with in our everyday lives. Horrific acts of violence and sexual malevolence are committed by people everyday. Yet, somehow, we just accept these facts. So how is it, exactly, that one deals emotionally with these morally decayed acts presented to us on a daily basis? Nowadays, terrifying acts of violence are pre-packaged and sold to us …

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…nderstood, though, that Nabokov is telling a story beneath a story. Lolita is not about a pedophile and his young victim; it is about the problems that obsession and the violations of mores can bring to your life. Works Cited Bergenholtz, Ritz A. "Nabokov's Lolita." Explicator 53 (1995): 231-36. Harold, Brent. "Lolita: Nabokov's Critique of Aloofness." Papers on Language & Literature 11 (1975): 71-83. Tweedie, James. "Lolita's Loose Ends: Nabokov and the Boundless Novel." Twentieth Century Literature 46 (2000): 150-71.