The Façade of Heroism -- Discusses the Presidency of John F. Kennedy; his successes and failures, and that his success resulted more from inspirational demeanor than true talent.

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Essay Database > History
Since the beginning of the glorious post-World War II days to the dawn of the revolutionary 1960's, the United States had been led by an uninspiring, "ordinary" farmer who had led the country into yet another war, and a seemingly incompetent general primarily described as "grandfatherly," who had accomplished the better half of nothing in his eight years in office. Additionally, despite the continuing economic boom, the obsequious societal tension produced by the enduring Cold …

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…United States an injection of hope and energy. He certainly fulfilled the job requirements he was given. That being said, Kennedy's leadership abilities, and to a much greater extent his qualities of character, indicate that Kennedy's "ability" as president stemmed solely from his ability to inspire. Having been placed into any other political situation, or had he been able to complete his term and perhaps a consecutive term, Kennedy's shortcomings would have been painfully obvious.