The Expanse Of Religion In The Ancient World

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
By 500 BC in the central Eurasian continent, the Greco-Roman, the Middle-Eastern, the Indian, and the Chinese civilizations had developed into flourishing communities. By this time, each community had laid down certain basic guidelines for living and dealing with new problems as they arose. For the next 2000 years until about 1500 AD, each civilization went its own way within these guidelines and flourished uniquely. Perhaps the two most unavoidable problems that plagued humans for as long as …

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…we are even supposed to believe this. It becomes apparent that because of needs felt by the people, religion was created only to satisfy these needs. Of course the necessities I speak of are that of the need for identity and the need for answers to questions that pose themselves. It was this ability to confront problems successfully that was responsible for the success of the Greco-Roman civilization, the Middle-Eastern, the Indian, and the Chinese.