The Evolution of Statutes Analyze the morals of Hammurabi, the Jews, and Dracon (and possibly Solon) with respect to the modern era and its morals.

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
The Evolution of Statutes It is often said, and quite accurately at that, that history repeats itself. One might say that every day is a new day, and rightly so. What we misinterpret is not that we enter into a new day, but that because it is a new day everything is new. Therein lies our fault. Today might be a new day, but the statutes and morals that make the day are anything but …

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…laid from the "development" of religion, which has provided a basis for laws to be formed. The basis of our culture ultimately comes from the Bible from the Jews. Many laws of the Bible are exhibited throughout our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and other important documents that make our country and its inhabitants function and live. Any laws/morals that are present today are not new, but merely reappear as history continues to repeat itself.