The European Unification

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Pages: 9
(approximately 235 words/page)

Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The European Unification 500 years ago, the European age began. Portuguese seafarers swept Europe out of the medieval age, and boldly helped Europe to grow. During the European age, constant wars were fought among the many nations that made up Europe. By 1945, Europe had all but destroyed itself. With the end of the 20th century, Europe has been given a historic opportunity, a united Europe, it is a chance at new life, a miracle as some …

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…found it to be very credible, because its from an encyclopedia! This source restated some fact that were said in my other sources, proving them to be actually factual. Interview: (note: I was unable to find an interview. In all my searches on the web, I could not find an email address with which to contact somebody who could help me out in this. I did search though, but unfortunatley could not find an interview)