The European Rapid Reaction Force. The EU's move from a political instrument to a European army.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
The European Rapid Reaction Force (ERRF) is an idea as old as the EU itself. However until recently the issue of an EU force has been considered a taboo subject and so there has been no need to warrant public discussion about it. The formal decision to create the ERRF was only taken late in December 1999 whereby this agreement the 15 EU Members committed themselves to creating a European force of around 60,000 troops, with supporting aircraft …

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…Rapid reaction force  Troops pledged to new EU force  Blair warning over Euro force  Bush offers support for European force  Turkey 'deal' on rapid reaction force Charter of the United Nations [10/12/2001] Koinonia House Online, European Rapid Reaction Force: Competitor or Partner [09/12/2001] New Roles In European Security (European Defence) [10/12/2001]