The Ethnic Curse, assignment was "Do you find it offensive if employees in a customer service position are unable to communicate with their customers due to a language barrier?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
The United States is a melting pot of many different nationalities. Because the immigrants came with strong and very divergent individualistic convictions they easily mingled into the local mix to find their place among new friends. They settled in communities based on their ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The lack of available academic resources in these small communities has resulted in a variety of different languages both spoken and written. This being said, this country also …

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…industry personal is unable to communicate with their customers, customers often chose different businesses. I am a strong believer that English should be a mandatory requirement for any and all employees who work in this type of environment. As an employee of a company which professes to be an 'American Company', I believe that each and every employee that Wal-Mart hires should be able to speak good English; after all, English is our national language.