The Establishment of the English colonies in America

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The English colonies in America were established for a variety of reasons including economic and religious factors. Other reasons for colonization include the desire to expand the British Empire, establishing order, protecting colonies and to rehabilitate debtors. <Tab/>Religious factors that contributed to the establishment of the English colonies occurred in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Maryland. In England, due to Henry VIII 's action upon breaking his ties with …

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…buffer" to the English colonies, England planned to create a refuge for people imprisoned for debt. In Georgia, instead of being imprisoned in England for debt, debtors could immigrate to Georgia to work off the debt. In conclusion, the English colonies in America were established for a variety of reasons including economic and religious factors. Other reasons for colonization include the desire to expand the British Empire, establishing order, protecting colonies and to rehabilitate debtors.