The Establishment of a National Identity in the Vietnamese People through the oppressional periods of Imperialist Occupation in Vietnam.

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Essay Database > History > European History
Vietnam entered the Twentieth Century under a billow of French smoke, choking its people of their rights, freedoms and sovereignty. This exploitative French regime greatly oppressed the Vietnamese, causing in them swelling emotions of anger and discontent and so united them in a common struggle for independence. Furthermore, under the inspiring and influential leadership of Ho Chi Minh, Vietnamese militarism was developed with the creation of the Viet Minh, which in turn, enabled Ho to …

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…above, it can be deduced that Ho Chi Minh greatly influenced the development of a national identity, which can be assessed through such expressions as the establishment of the Viet Minh, the August Revolution and militarism through the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. By uniting Vietnam towards a common goal of independence from imperial occupation, Ho successfully established a powerful sense of nationalism within Vietnam that would be tested and strengthened in years to come.