The Erie Canal and impacts that it had on commerce, trade, and development of New York and the US at that time.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Back in the early 1700's a French engineer named Vauban suggested that a canal should be built to link the rivers and lakes of New York State. Years later this idea was looked upon repeatedly when the Western Inland Locks Navigation Company established a system of travel by use of canals (Shaw, 59). Although the company was ultimately defeated, the initial idea of canals and locks was soon to be redeveloped. By the mid-1800's, with …

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…Inc. <> Harness, Cheryl. The Amazing Impossible Erie Canal. Alladin Paperbacks Inc., 1999. 23-36. Lourie, Peter. Erie Canal. Boyds Mill Press, 1999. 16-21. Shaw, Ronald. Erie Water West: A History of the Erie Canal 1792-1854. University Press of Kentucky, 1990. 27-101. Sheriff, Carol. The Artificial River: The Erie Canal and the Paradox of Progress, 1817-1862. Hill and Wang Publishing, 1996. 26-35. 78-107. 199-210. Stack, Debbie. Cruising Americas Waterways: The Erie Canal. Meida Artists Inc, 2001. 102-134.