The Epic of Gilgamesh. This essay is about a story of the ancient Sumerian people called The Epic of Gilgamesh written circa 2000 B.C.E.

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Essay Database > History > World History
The world's first literary work, The Epic of Gilgamesh, is a story that dates back four millennia to the ancient Sumerian culture. The story centers on Gilgamesh, a man with superhuman qualities who struggles with the quest for immortality and knowledge. This story is important for understanding the ancient Sumerians because it portrays their beliefs about cultural values and about religion and the afterlife. Ancient Sumerian culture valued the ideas of heroism, knowledge and loyalty. …

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…because it gives insights into how they lived their lives. It shows their societal values of heroism, knowledge and loyalty and their importance. It also gives insights to their religious beliefs and their thoughts about the afterlife. These elements helped to shape their social lives and how they dealt with others. Even though it has a tragic ending, the story shows many interesting insights into the Sumerian culture and how people lived during ancient times.